Statistical Data Relating to Hawai`i's Marine Resources
Tourism, Construction and Defense Spending have been Hawai`i's Economic Main stays over the past decade. However, greater economic stability through diversification, with reduced dominance of Tourism in the gross state product, is sought as a matter of state policy. An important strategy of the economic diversification policy is building upon Hawai`i's comparative strengths and Hawai`i's Ocean Industries...
Do just that!!!!!
Economic Industries involving the ocean in Hawai`i are highly diversified and make up six industries composed of multiple sectors... Aqua culture, Maritime, Ocean Research, diving, Recreational Fishing and Commercial Fishing...... Hawai`i's ocean industries are forecast to grow at 4.5% per year over 1992-1998 generating annual revenues of $3.8 billion and employment of about 20,250 in 1998. Ocean industry revenues are expected to grow as fast as Tourism revenues over this period. After the rapid rate of growth realized during the 1980's, deceleration to the sustain able level forecast for ocean industries during the 1990's will require adjustment to new market-based realities. Most notably, opportunities will have to be more aggressively sought in the international arena with growing emphasis on Asia and the Pacific Islands. Ocean Industries are expected to keep pace with inflation over this period, although faster growth is likely in this context it is possible that total ocean industry revenues will exceed those both for defense spending and construction. Ocean Industries is a critical component of Hawai`i's future and needs sound management and a budget to protect these resources .It appears that the growth of Hawai`i's ocean industries is helping to advance the State's general policy goal of increased economic diversity and stability . It is less clear what the likelihood might be of continued high growth among the ocean industries and what the future economic outcomes might be expected. Especially if we don't manage it properly with additional funding to match growth and utilization. Hawai`i ranks 48th of all the States who invest in Resource Management while Hawai`i has the largest Exclusive Economic Zone of all 50 States.