Pacific Fishieries Coalition Position Papers
The Pacific Fisheries Coalition (PFC), with support from the PEW Charitable Trusts, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, the Homeland Foundation and the Federal Aid in Sport Fishing Restoration Act, represents a unique collaboration between conservationists and fishermen who find common ground in their desire to promote the conservation and responsible use of living marine resources in Hawai`i and the Central and Western Pacific.
Does Hawaii Need An Aquatics Department?
Surrounded by coral reefs and the largest exclusive economic zone of all
the 50 states, the State of Hawaii should be justifiably proud of being
the ocean state. But neither its budget nor the fact that its aquatic
agencies are split between at least five departments give any hint of
Ecosystem Management Plan Prerequisites
This list is a shortened and modified version of that included in Link,
Jason S. 2002. Ecological Considerations in Fisheries Management: When
Does It Matter? Fisheries 27(4):10-17. See also Jason S. Link's
fisheries management essay: What Does Ecosystem-Based Fisheries
Management Mean? Fisheries 27(4): 18-21.
Scientists Can Make A Difference
This is an excerpt from Linda Paul. 1997. A Policy Role for PACON in
Sustainable Marine Resource Development. In Recent Advances in Marine
Science and Technology. Proceedings of the 1996 PACON International
Conference, Honolulu.
The Albatross Bycatch Problem
The United States Fish & Wildlife Service considers the Black-footed albatross to be in a yellow light situation and is working with the Western Pacific Fisheries Management Council and the National Marine Fisheries Service to mitigate sea bird bycatch and other sources of mortality...(HTML)
Government-Community Relations
While the ability to write reports and analyze statistics is essential, the most effective departments seem to be those that contain a good percentage of officers who actually go out fishing regularly themselves, or who are recruited from the fishing community...(HTML)
Why Ban Shark Finning in Hawai`i?
Shark finning in Hawai`i has increased 22 times in the last 6 years and according to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) not only should the waste of sharks be stopped, but the reduction of sharks in the ocean environment can cause an imbalance among other species that they help keep healthy...(HTML)
Hawai`i's Public Trust Doctrine
A condensation of the opening speech given by James T. Paul, Paul, Johnson, Park & Niles, at the first statewide Hawai`i Aquatics Conference held on June 11-12, 1999 in the ahupua`a of Kaneohe...(HTML)
Budget Problems
Even with Aquatic Resource in Hawai`i generating over 1 Billion Dollars per year, and contributing over 40 million in State Taxes for the General Fund, the State Legislature fails to recognize the importance of managing this essential resource...(HTML)
Statistical Data Relating to Hawai`i's Marine Resources
An important strategy of the economic diversification policy is building upon Hawai`i's comparative strengths and Hawai`i's Ocean Industries...(HTML)