Michael Sutton
Conservation Program
The David & Lucile Packard Foundation
Why Protect Sharks?
- Inherently Vulnerable
- Long-lived
- Slow to mature
- Low fecundity
- "Lions and Tigers of the Sea"
- Huge markets for fins & other products
Three Types of Legal ToolsM
Treaties, laws, and regulations aimed at protecting species, controlling trade, and conserving marine biological diversity.
Treaties, laws, and regulations aimed at controlling fish catches and making marine fisheries sustainable.
Laws, treaties and regulations that require monitoring of international trade in wildlife, place limits on trade, or impose trade sanctions for non-compliance with conservation or fisheries agreements.
Fisheries Tools
UN Convention on the Law of the Sea
- Exclusive Economic Zones (200 mile limit)
- Freedom to fish on the high seas
- Management goal is "optimum utilization"
- Coastal states have rights, duties
- Flag states have responsibility for vessels
- All states have duty to cooperate
Local laws and customs
State laws and regulations
- Only two western states manage sharks: California and Alaska
- Most laws don't deal with bycatch
- No management in Hawaii
The Special Case of Hawaii
- Most shark landings of any U.S. state
- 6.2 million pounds landed in 1998
- 2500% increase in landings since 1991
- No state management of shark fisheries
Fisheries Tools
National laws and regulations
- Only a few countries: Australia, Canada, United States, South Africa, Mexico, etc.
- U.S. management inconsistent
- Atlantic sharks managed since 1993
- "Finning" banned in U.S. Atlantic waters
- Councils responsible for Pacific sharks
- "Finning" still legal in U.S. Pacific waters
Fisheries Tools
Bilateral and regional agreements
- IATTC, ICCAT, GFCM, NAFO, CCSBT, South Pacific Forum, CCAMLR, IOTC, etc.
International treaties & agreements
- FAO Code of Conduct
- U.N. Fish Stocks Agreement
- FAO International Plan of Action for Sharks
What Fisheries Tools Lack
- Theme is management, not protection
- Emphasis is sustained yield
- Focus is on other species
- Sharks are mainly bycatch
- Precautionary approach not adopted
- Record of success is poor
Two Hopeful Signs
UN Fish Stocks Agreement
- Binding on nations, regional commissions
- Promotes precautionary approach, bycatch reduction, ecosystem protection
- Not yet in force (25 of 30 countries ratified)
FAO International Plan of Action
- National plans required by 2001
- Non-binding; little action so far
Wildlife Protection Tools
Local and state laws
- California & Alaska; Hawaii??
National laws and regulations
Regional agreements
- Barcelona, Cartagena, ASEAN, etc.
Multilateral treaties and agreements
Advantages of Wildlife Tools
- Theme is conservation, not production
- Usually have more signatory nations
- Embody the precautionary approach
- Allow for strict protection when needed
- Can be used to promote sustainable use of exploited species
Trade Tools
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES)
- Purpose: To prevent trade from endangering species.
- Large membership
- Powerful tool to monitor and limit trade
- Useful as a "threat" to fishery managers
CITES 2000 (Nairobi)
- Three shark species proposed for listing on Appendices
- Whale shark, basking shark, white shark
- May be first commercially-important fishes listed
Trade Tools
National and state laws that authorize trade sanctions:
- Pelly Amendment
- Authorizes embargo of fishery products caught in violation of conservation agreements
- State landings laws
- Hawaii could ban landing of shark fins
In Summary
- Most shark fisheries are unmanaged
- Trade in shark products is unregulated
- Generally, we have sufficient legal tools
- Caution! Fisheries laws and agreements alone are unlikely to protect sharks
- In fact, the combined power of law and science will probably prove insufficient
Making Conservation Work
- Legal Authority + Sound Science + Political Will = Effective Conservation
- Efforts to influence seafood consumer behavior offer new hope